Friday, June 13, 2008

tagged by: Random Irregular!

so. basically what i have to do is list 64 facts about myself. (thanks, RI)

like sushi
love Kiki Strike, the whole series
like to read
love to read
am always drawing
am a bit strange. wait, thats understating the fact. in fact, i'm very strange.
don't hate math class. neither do i love it.
love the color blue
wish this list thing wasn't so strange
don't like to capitilize words much
have two bars of chocalate in my room
am royalty
am bored. sorta.
want to drink water
think that the Gilda Joyce series rocks
hate writing lists, but love reading them. most of the time. exept when they're bo-ring
like typing. just typing. even if what i'm typing doesn't make sense
like grapes. a lot.
wish i had a pet pygmy goat
wish i had a baby chick
think that the pool should be warm enough to go swimming in tomorrow
like fajitas
am not mexican
sort of have writers block right now
would rather write 'cuz instead of because
*heart* sammy keyes, the series
hate when i type 'm' instead of 'n'
like smilies :) even though i don't use them very often
have long bangs (LOL)
think that 'LOL' sounds like lollypop
would rather write lollipop than lollypop
am not sure how to spell lollipop, since i am now a bit confused
have some-what asthma
want my hair to be longer or shorter
am here. that cracks me up 'cuz that's basically what the name of a famousish indian movie means (i am here/main hoon na)
don't understand why, when you write urdu in english , there are so much 'n's
wear glasses, and have recently suffered an injury because of them (lol)
have been called 'buckteeth' too much times. so what if my front teeth are a bit big and a bit crooked?
hate braces
sometimes type fast
get bored when i don't get an email from someone at least once a day
hate (my state) standards 'cuz they are one of the lowest standards in the US. there are only five states with lower standards
really get annoyed when i accidentaly press the 'insert' button while typing
like to cook don't talk much. but i always talk too much.
*heart* qorma
like rainbows. they are pretty, no matter what people say about girly-girls and rainbows.
like swords. a lot.
also like bows and arrows
love the Protector Of The Small series (from what i've read so far)
have allergies in spring
hate my allergies. they make me sneeze too much
wish i didn't get bruised so easily
hate having to tug m backpack downstairs in the morning. it makes my leg bruised.
somehow end up making lots of enemies.
get bored easily. well not reaally, 'cuz i can always start making up stories. or do something.
hope that my school email won't be taken away after i graduate from 8th grade.
am in xth grade. sort of. next year i'll be in yth. this is confusing. xth grade just ended. so i'm in x and a 1/2th grade. go figure.
like chinease food
*heart* adobe photoshop. it's fun to use.
can't wait until i finish this list. lol
learned what 'lol' meant wheni was in 5th grade. laugh all you want!
have a shirt that says 'Miss behave' across the front. that was a bit random.
have nooo idea who to tag after i finish this list. (:

1 comment:

Random Irregular said...

yay. we have soo many similarities, y'know.
btw: the word verification I had to type was wiigs. LoL.